Monday, April 22, 2013

Already 6 Months Old?

My favorite girl is 6 months old! I know I know....every month I say the same thing, "I can't believe she is ___ months old." But seriously I can't believe it! Every memory of her life is still so detailed in my mind that it seems like it just happened...being at the hospital, seeing her for the first time, watching Casey hold her, taking her home, staring at her nonstop, and laughing at every sound or move she made. Our life revolves around her and she definitely has us wrapped around her little finger. I wouldn't want it any other way!

6 months
Weight:16.8 lbs (59th percentile)
Height: 26.8 in (84th percentile)
Smiles all the time 
Discovered her tongue so it's always out
Rolls over (mostly belly to back)
Sleeps in her crib in her room 
Sleeps through the night waking up once to eat
Working on sitting up but not mastered yet
Her dark hair has turned blonde
Hasn't cut her first tooth yet
Needs to know what is going on around her
Grabs anything and puts it in her mouth 
Laughs (mostly when she gets tickled)
Takes 3-4 naps a day
Wakes up around 8:00am
Bedtime is 9:00pm

She loves...
Her binky
Being held by anyone
To suck on her fingers
Bath time
To look at her self in the mirror
Baby food
To play with her toys
Her bumbo
When Mommy & Daddy talk to her
To talk/babble/squeal
To grab her feet

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