Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pregnancy Life

I'm 27 weeks today which means I'm officially in the THIRD TRIMESTER of my pregnancy! Lately, I feel like it's been flying by. The beginning seemed slower because I was so anxious for the next milestone like hearing the heartbeat, having the first ultrasound, finding out the gender, feeling her kick for the first time, and having the 20 week ultrasound. Now all the big events, expect the due date, are over which means that each week comes and goes more quickly.
Up to this point, my pregnancy has been pretty decent! I didn't get too sick during the first trimester, although I had to eat a lot of saltine crackers so I wouldn't feel nauseous. After being at school and work all day, I was so tired towards the end of the day and just wanted to relax and lay on the couch. Casey was such a sweet husband and took over the wife role by making dinner for us every night. I was so thankful for that because cooking was the last thing I wanted to do. Once the second trimester came, I felt so much more active and back to normal.
One thing I love to do is to hear our baby's heartbeat. Casey's sister let us borrow an at-home doppler so we can listen to her heartbeat whenever we want to. I am obsessed with it!
My favorite thing about being pregnant is feeling her kick and move around. It makes me so happy every time! I randomly grab Casey's hand all the time and put it on my stomach so he can feel too. I love the smile he gets on his face when he feels her kick. I am so excited to see Casey hold our baby in his arms for the first time!
Casey and I finally have all the main furniture for the baby nursery, which I am really excited about!
We bought a crib and borrowed a bassinet from Casey's sister to use for the first few months.
I have decided I am obssessed with little headbands and flowers. I want our baby to have a headband or bow in her hair at all times because I think it looks so dang cute! I love that I can put the flower on whatever color headband I want based on her outfit. I love being able to mix and match.
I know I still have a little while longer until her due date, but for now I am doing good! I know my stomach is going to keep getting bigger and I'll feel more and more uncomfortable, so I'm not sure if my attitude will be so positive when it gets closer to October.

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